STEAM Clown™

This site is my space to document and share my experience, resources and insight as a Mechatronics Engineering Instructor. My goal is to teach you technical stuff like Science, Math and Geeky Robot Stuff... This site will always be a work in progress. While I'm always working on Electronics and Engineering curriculum, lessons and labs for my SVCTE Mechatronics class, I personally, have been trying to learn CSS, JS, PHP and mySql... we will see what happens...

STEAM Clown's Taipei Workshops

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SVCTE Mechatronics Engineering Class

What's Going On?

Summer Re-Write of all my units and importing to the Canvas LMS

  • SVCTE has settled on Canvas as our LMS, where we are going to put our course and curriculum... So I'm going to be moving and improving my units. If you have tips and tricks for building a course in Canvas, Please connect with me at
  • I have a Canvas "Idea" to request a REAL 'copy and disassociate' feature. Please up vote it

  • Summer Professional Development

    I'm going to be working on some PD this summer, like becoming a better Python Teacher. I'm focusing on using Python with AI and Machine Learning and Big Data